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Frequently Asked Questions 

Ambassador FAQ

Q:      What is an Ambassador?
A:     An Ambassador is a passionate brand advocate that prioritizes their health and the planet we are living on and is eager to spread ideas and knowledge.

Q:      How do I maintain my ambassador status?
A:     Once you join the community, simply share ayo-ayo wine on your instagram story 4-6 times per month to retain your ambassador status!

Q:      What do I get as an ambassador?
A:     As an Ambassador, your monthly supply of ayo-ayo wine is on us! (Yes, you can choose your flavors) In addition, you’ll be welcomed into a community of eco warriors like yourself!

Q:      How does my friends/family code work?
A:     We’ll give you a custom code to share with your friends, family and following, so they can enjoy ayo-ayo wine as well!

Q:      I've selected a gift-tag, why cant I include a message?
A:     Gift-tags generally are not very big which means after including the recipients and senders names there generally isn't much room for anything else. However, our Greeting Cards do have the option to include messages if required.

Q:      Do you sell/trade on eBay?
A:     No, we don't.

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